Source Protection

Why Is Groundwater Protection Important?

The primary source of Gorgoza Mutual’s drinking water is from groundwater wells. It is important to protect these groundwater sources from contaminants to maintain high quality water delivery to our customers. Our groundwater quality is affected by what happens on the ground above. Pollution prevention is a cost-effective way to protect our groundwater resource.

You Can Help Protect Groundwater

Businesses are not the only ones responsible for protecting groundwater. Groundwater source protection requires the cooperation of everyone living and working in the protection area. Never dispose of chemicals or hazardous materials on the ground. These materials can migrate through the soils and impact groundwater.

Resources and Best Management Practices

We can each take action at our businesses, in our homes and garages, and throughout the community to protect our groundwater. For more information, please visit the following resources:

Environmental Protection Agency-How Can You Help Protect Source Water?
Environmental Protection Agency-Citizen’s Guide to Groundwater
Utah Division of Drinking Water Groundwater Source Protection and BMPs
National Groundwater Association-Groundwater Protection

Best Management Practices – Pollution Prevention Fact Sheet
Best Management Practices – Household Hazard Waste Fact Sheet
Best Management Practices – Septic Tank/Drainfield System Fact Sheet